John, I am absolutely sick to my stomach.
Shocking leaked documents just revealed the Supreme Court is planning to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Let me repeat that: The Supreme Court is on the precipice of ripping reproductive rights from every single woman in this country.
John, I don't say this lightly: This election just turned into the biggest fight for women's rights in our nation's history.
The only — ONLY — way to get justice is to win this election, protect the Democratic House and Senate, and replace every last anti-choice Republican in Congress who made this happen. I need a historic response to meet this earth-shattering moment — 25,000 Democratic gifts before my FIRST End-of -Month Deadline since the announcement — to send a message so powerful, so resounding, there can be no question of our opposition. Will you rush $10 to stand with me on the right side of history? >>
Thank you,