Since the November 2020 Presidential election, we have been among the “renegade” media that have questioned the integrity of the election.
** The Celebration of Victories…When and As They Occur
Against the array of dispiriting events that permeate our news coverage—and in purposeful contrast to the reflexive anti-Americanism that characterizes much of academia (as well as the tepid patriotism that is expressed by our "Woke" mainstream media)—Charlemagne Institute believes there is value to identification and celebration of “battlefield” victories when and as they occur.
Some of these wins may be small and incremental. Others may be larger and more profound. Whichever the case, our aim is to celebrate the successes…and share with you signs that give us hope. Our goal is to rally ourselves as neighbors to the means of American resurgence.
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Peeking Behind the Curtains on
2020 Election Fraud
** Among signs fortunes are changing
Since the November 2020 Presidential election, we have been among the “renegade” media that have railed against the imperious and absolutist manner with which Big Tech and traditional media as a bloc (yes, Fox News included) deep-sixed any and all discussion of “irregularities” in the conduct and administration of nationwide voting in that election. They labeled and then ginned-up hysteria over a “pandemic” to provide cover as their partisans in a number of states bypassed their elected legislative bodies to alter election rules and procedures. These changes facilitated an unprecedented expansion of mail-in voting and a number of other strategies that limited the checks-and-balances typically in place during elections. Naturally, we were justifiably alarmed that the “alleged” shenanigans may have allowed unprecedented numbers of fraudulent ballots and, in the process, advanced a fraudulent result. And we were dismayed that the determination of naysayers to “paper over” objections not only
sustained these results…but fundamentally undercut the integrity of our voting systems and our democracy.
With the topic of election integrity still top of mind, we developed and concentrated our October 2021 ([link removed]) issue of Chronicles magazine around review of arguments for and against the evidence of election tampering. We looked at the topic from a variety of perspectives, with the un-enunciated goal ultimately to be able to render a judgment on the conduct of the election and determine—at least for ourselves—whether there was sufficient evidence to maintain that these interventions changed the outcome. On the assumption they might have altered results, we hoped to be able to map out the manners with which the results were altered. Feature articles explored some of the “oddities.” Was there irrefutable evidence the election was stolen? Was this information sufficient to satisfy reasonable challenges to this claim?
While we made no formal declarations, among the featured articles in the issue was a head-turning investigation by Patrick Basham, who heads up the Democracy Institute. So riveting was his data that his article, “Biden’s Inexplicable Victory,” caught the attention of radio host, Larry Elder, who invited him for a spot on his popular daily show.
You might wonder, why did the article catch Elder’s attention?
What Basham revealed—both in print ([link removed]) and in discussion ([link removed]) with the host—was that the count of total election ballots filed in the election exceeded by a staggering 5 million the number of individual voters counted by the official U.S. Census Bureau.
Meaning…more votes than people!
Which is Simply Not Possible.
Nor can it be explained away…except through fraudulent means. Double counting. Ghost voting. Dead people voting. Former residents voting. Illegals voting.
While a few credulous postmodernists (and other partisans of the left) may assert that reality is merely relative, the shortage of actual voters by a count of 5 million is more than a matter of mere perspective. In fact, it defies reason and explanation. Which is presumably why Larry Elder invited Basham onto the show. And the segment was so popular that the interview was rebroadcast by the show’s host twice within a week of the author’s appearance!
Fast forward six months. The issue of election integrity continues to get ignored or denied by the media … This state of affairs pertains even after the independent audit in Maricopa County ([link removed]) , Arizona quantified a host of irregularities, or illegalities (duplicate ballots, ineligible voters, ghost voters, voters who’d moved out of state, etc.), that added so many more votes for Biden that the bump itself was several multiples higher than the final difference between Trump and Biden in the so-called “official” vote count for the state. Stunning!
On a parallel track, a former State Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin, Michael Gableman, was recruited by the state’s Assembly Elections Committee to review the conduct of the election in Wisconsin. In his assessment, Gableman ([link removed]) drew attention to unauthorized, late season changes in voting procedures, and voter harvesting, and declared these illegal. As with Arizona, the margin of illegal votes calculated in his tally was multiples higher than the deficit of Trump votes. He urged the state’s electors for Biden be recalled. As shared in one of his media spots: As shared in one of his media spots, Justice Gableman looked through the voter rolls and found that his long-deceased grandfather, a man who had fought in the Civil War, and had been deceased for several generations, was alleged to have cast a ballot in the 2020 election. No doubt that vote also went for Joe Biden!
And there’s more… As caught on surveillance video in Fulton County, Georgia, there were the suitcases ([link removed]) of ballots pulled from under the tables after Republican judges were sent home during vote counting. There were also the plywood boards put up over the windows in Detroit ([link removed]) so Republican election witnesses would be unable to view individual ballots as they were counted. And let us not forget the miraculous and still unexplained middle of the night surges ([link removed]) in the battleground states when hundreds of thousands of electronic votes were—in the blink of an eye—added to Joe Biden’s tallies.
The result: we cannot let go the issue of election integrity. Nor can we accept that all this is now merely history. It remains the case that the underlying claims of fraud have not been answered or resolved. Nor have they gone away. While efforts to recall electors in several states awarded to Biden have not been permitted to proceed, to taste air, two notable films have begun to uncover the issues and report upon the story…
The first of these, Rigged 2020 ([link removed]) , by David Bossie, examines the malignant impact upon electoral integrity of “Zuckerbucks”…that is, the nearly half-billion dollars lavished on the election by Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. How and where Zuckerberg’s millions were allocated—and all supposedly to help mitigate the impact of COVID—had a decided impact on results in several battleground states and these results in the aggregate, as the film shows, helped to tip the election in favor of Biden.
The second of these films is 2000 Mules ([link removed]) , released only last week, which reviews the painstaking research and analysis of True the Vote ([link removed]) , an organization for election integrity started by the indefatigable Catherine Engelbrecht. The film details the impeccably painstaking research her organization conducted to show how more than 2,000 individuals—all carrying cellphones—whose mobile devices allowed them to be “geotracked” going from organizations (where they picked up piles of ballots) and then to drop box after drop box depositing multiple ballots into each of these locations. This is a form of ballot stuffing. And it is patently illegal.
To advance their points, the filmmakers included snippets of video of the drop boxes showing ostensibly illegal ballot deposits as they are being made, often multiple ballots at a time. And the geotracking data follows them as they went from drop box to drop box, making additional deposits.
To validate claims that these deposits were not legal, the designation of a “mule” was reserved only for those individuals who visited 10 or more different drop boxes in one (or more) of the five battleground states. How could this level of ballot delivery activity be explained away as anything but suspicious! In total, the filmmakers claim they were able to capture more than 400,000 ballot deposits, easily more than enough in the battleground states to have altered the outcome of the election.
A brief story. Prior to the release of the film, several Charlemagne staff were at lunch together at a favorite haunt in the area. We had been talking about the then-imminent release of 2000 Mules, when a woman from the booth next to ours came over, apologized for interrupting, then introduced herself. She then began to ask and comment upon the film as well as her continuing frustration that the election had been “stolen.”
She was eager to learn more, to meet people who shared her discomfort with the present course of the nation. She then followed this meeting with a very gracious note of thanks.
Since receipt of her card, we’ve heard that the film has enjoyed unprecedented success in daily downloads and sales. The word is getting out!
As we head into the midterm elections this year, with polling suggesting that Americans are ready to “throw the bums out,” we see this “constellation of star events” as an indicator that the nation is waking up to the lies of this administrative state.
** Which is why we sense success in these events!
Charlemagne Institute is a non-profit publisher of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout. In our defense of American political traditions, the publications are unapologetically opposed to efforts that weaken the spirits of the nation or that abrogate the inalienable rights of citizenry.
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Charlemagne Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the defense of Western society and to the preservation of American history, values, and traditions. Our publications, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout, provide you with consistent, dependable, thoughtful commentary on key cultural issues with coverage spanning the arts, economics, education, history, religion, and politics.
Charlemagne Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit, and tax-exempt organization, as defined by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. As such, it relies on support from individuals, corporations, and foundations that share a commitment to the preservation of the American republic. Charlemagne Institute does not seek or accept government funding.
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Branco, / 2020
October 2021 issue cover /
Larry Elder at Camp Pendleton in 2013 / Jacob Harrer / Public Domain
Welcome to Wisconsin sign / J. Stephen Conn, Flickr
Rigged 2020 /
2000 Mules /
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