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May 26, 2022
Follow the money on gun rights and gun control

Deadly shootings across the country shock the conscience and spur debate — in communities and in Congress. OpenSecrets is tracking spending on lobbying, contributions from gun control and gun rights groups to members of Congress, as well as current NRA data.

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A message from OpenSecrets' Executive Director Sheila Krumholz:

Dear Reader,

From all of us here at OpenSecrets, we’re grateful for you, our users, and value how you extend the word about following the money to new audiences, especially those with a range of perspectives and experiences.

I'd like to thank the 110 individuals who supported our organization for the first time during our spring donor drive. We are so appreciative of your response, and will put your generosity to good use tracking and reporting on the political money that seeks to influence the midterms, as well as the policy decisions that come after.

Thank you for your commitment to transparency and accountability in money in politics, and for your belief in our staff to get the job done.

With gratitude,
Sheila Krumholz

Incorporation records reveal new details about a ‘dark money’ group pouring millions into 2022 midterms

Documents shed new light on a mysterious “dark money” group pouring millions of dollars from undisclosed donors into midterm elections.

Read more.

Outside Groups Spent Millions Shaping the Alabama Senate Race

Super PACs funneled more than $24.5 million into spending to influence the Alabama Senate primary election.

Read more.

OpenSecrets in the News

See our media citations from outlets around the nation this week:


Heavily outspent, gun control groups still press their case (Marketplace)
“In terms of lobbying, gun control groups spent $2.3 million in 2019. And they’ve spent more than $2 million in each of the last two years since then,” said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of OpenSecrets, which monitors money and politics.

Crypto billionaire says he could spend a record $1 billion in 2024 election (NBC News)
“If this is sustained and it’s actually fully realized, it could have an immense impact on U.S. politics,” Baumgart said, comparing the scope of the potential spending to that of the Adelsons, the Koch brothers’ donor network and Bloomberg.

How Stacey Abrams became a fundraising juggernaut (The 19th)
Pete Quist, deputy research director at OpenSecrets, a campaign finance watchdog group, said the setup of the committees — which allowed Kemp to raise money for months before other gubernatorial candidates — is highly unusual. He expects it will contribute to this election cycle becoming “the most expensive gubernatorial race in Georgia history,” noting that 2018’s totals were a record.

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