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ADL Announces Support for IFA’s Lawsuit Against Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and Hate Groups Responsible for Charlottesville Violence
Last week, ADL announced a partnership with Integrity First for America (IFA) to support that organization’s ongoing lawsuit against the organizers of the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA.
IFA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to defending democratic principles and ensuring equal rights, is backing Sines v. Kessler — the landmark federal lawsuit against the two dozen individuals and affiliated hate groups that allegedly orchestrated the violent neo-Nazi and white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in August 2017, resulting in the death of Heather Heyer and extensive injuries.
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ADL Hosts Never Is Now - ADL’s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate
Last week, ADL hosted Never Is Now at the The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. The event brought together experts, academics and leaders for critical conversations about the contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism and hate in our society.
Actor, Screenwriter & Director Sacha Baron Cohen and Chobani Founder & CEO Hamdi Ulukaya were honored for their unique contributions in the fight against hate and bigotry.
Sacha Baron Cohen was presented with the International Leadership Award. Cohen used his
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keynote speech to single out Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who he believes is doing the most to facilitate “hate and violence” in America.
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ADL Joins Amicus Brief for Religious Freedom Case in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue
ADL recently joined a
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legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court opposing taxpayer dollars funding religious schools. The Free Exercise Clause guarantees a parent's choice of a faith-based education for their children, but not at the government's expense.
The Montana Constitution contains a provision that provides for stricter separation of church and state than the First Amendment. Based on it, the State's Supreme Court struck down a tuition-tax credit program that on paper supports secular and religious schools, but disproportionately benefited faith-based institutions. At issue before the U.S. Supreme Court is whether the Free Exercise Clause requires states to fund religious education when they support private secular schools.
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Date Announced for Upcoming Hate Crime Trial in Murder of Lt. Richard Collins III
In July, a Prince George's County Circuit Judge ruled that the trial of a man charged with a hate crime in the killing of a man at the University of Maryland could be pushed back to December to give defense attorneys more time to prepare. The date has been set for December 9.
Sean Urbanski, 24, pleaded not guilty in the May 20, 2017, killing of Richard Collins III. Collins, who had just been commissioned into the U.S. Army and was days away from graduating from Bowie State University when he was fatally stabbed.
Collins, a black man, was at a bus stop with two friends on the College Park campus when Urbanski told Collins to “step left, step left if you know what’s best for you,” charging documents state. Collins said “No” before Urbanski, who is white, stabbed him with a folding knife, police charging documents assert.
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Are White Supremacists Coming for Your Teens?
ADL shared this blog to explore recent news articles and anecdotes that reflect what we’ve been hearing and seeing: white supremacists are engaging in online recruitment of young people, particularly white teenage boys. One parent explains how—through sexist, racist and heterosexist memes, infographics, jokes and videos—propaganda packaged as humor can lure young people into white supremacist attitudes and thinking.
The blog frames this phenomenon in the context of the larger societal rise in hate crimes and white supremacist rhetoric and activity. It recommends strategies for educators and families to arm themselves with information, talk with young people about propaganda, open communication and share their values.
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