TW: discussions of gun violence
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It’s chilling that this isn’t the first time in the past few weeks that we’ve begun an email by acknowledging the emotional and material trauma of the perverse reality that we all live in.  We’re reaching out, first and foremost, to send you our love and solidarity in the wake of the murder of 19 elementary school children and two of their teachers. For those of you who have had to send children off to school, we know how hard that was, and we’re here for you. 

If you’re really struggling, you’re not alone in not being OK. Please do what you need to do to feel, process, and make it through this difficult time. If that means accessing professional help, please do so. The Disaster Distress Helpline is a free, 24/7 resource for assistance coping with the disasters, including mass shootings. Call or text the Disaster Distress Helpline (1-800-985-5990) for free counseling, support, and resources. 

Though the Vote Save America community may be individuals scattered across the country, we’re united—not only by our grief, but also by our anger. It’s anger at elected officials who have picked the profits of gun manufacturers over the lives of our children. It’s anger at the system that makes it incredibly difficult for a majority of Americans to elect leaders that represent our values. It’s anger at the apathy, the familiar routine of tragedy, thoughts and prayers, and a news cycle that quickly moves on. 

But times of immense grief are also moments for action. Our first duty is to the families who lost a loved one and to help ensure that financial difficulties are not a concern on top of the tragedy of losing a parent, sibling, or child.  


Over the long term, the only way out of this cycle is through a movement that aims not only to replace the leaders that have failed us, but to transform the anti-democratic system that got them there in the first place. As Shaniqua said in our live event on Tuesday, this is a long term fight, and even though we won’t win everything in 2022 or 2024, it’s all worth it if we can prevent the murder of even one child in the place they go to learn, grow, and play. 

Here’s one small step that you can take, if, and when you’re ready. 

During the 2021 legislative session alone, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed over twenty bills into law that expanded gun access in the state. Greg Abbott is on the ballot this November. Voting isn’t the only tool in our toolbox, but it is an important one that we have available to us. 

There are currently 5 million eligible citizens in Texas who are not registered. This is by design; Republicans in power don’t want all eligible Texans to make their voices heard because they know most of their policies don’t reflect the will of the majority. Our friends in Texas were tremendously successful in registering more than 250,000 voters in 2020, and they have plans to register the more than 1.25 million Democrats who have moved to Texas since 2020 that are still unregistered. We’re inviting you to support their work to register the Texans that have the opportunity to hold the politicians who are responsible for the murder of these children accountable.


Thank you for taking one step with us towards the nation we desperately need and deserve. As sad and frustrating and seemingly hopeless as the last few days may be, there are opportunities for change if we are prepared to keep doing the hard work to make it happen. More from us soon. 


With love, sadness, and resolve,

The Vote Save America team



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