$1.2 million, Friends ...

That's how much AOC raised for her campaign during the second fundraising quarter.

Even as Democrats are setting the new standard for "radical", they're raking in record millions – as we saw in last week's quarterly fundraising reports.

Conservatives need to win several target races in order to take back the House, but to do this we need to balance the fundraising scales.

That's where we need you.

As a top supporter, we need your help to give conservatives the resources and strength to fight back and win against the Left's fundraising behemoth.

Will you make a game-changing contribution of $20.20 or more now to help conservatives win back the House in 2020?

From spewing hatred toward conservatives, to pursuing baseless "investigations" against President Trump, to pushing absurd socialist policies, to the shenanigans of AOC and "The Squad" – the Democrat House majority has been a disgrace!

They've also stood in the way of President Trump's efforts to grow our economy, create jobs, strengthen our military and protect our borders.

President Trump needs you to help conservatives take back the House in order to get these fixes through Congress.

Will you give President Trump the Congressional majority he needs by chipping in $20.20 or more now to support conservative victories in 2020?


Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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