From Mrvan Re-Election Campaign HQ <[email protected]>
Subject they're expanding their list, but we’re not backing down
Date May 26, 2022 5:27 PM
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John, Frank is already on the NRCC’s target list…and now they’re expanding it. This means two things: 1) that the midterms will be extremely competitive, and 2) that we’re competing against the national Super PAC dollars of the GOP machine. ( Contribute to holding the Democratic majority now >> [[link removed]] )

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Now that we officially have an opponent, we need more resources than ever to block national Republicans from gaining a foothold in the First District, which is why we’re reaching out to you today. Will you contribute anything you can to help Frank and his Democratic colleagues hold their majority in the House? [[link removed]]

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your payment will go through immediately$15 [[link removed]] $35 [[link removed]] $50 [[link removed]]
$100 [[link removed]] $150 [[link removed]] Other [[link removed]]

Without a Democratic majority, we’re looking at an uphill battle on everything from shoring up our local economy to lifting Indiana families out of poverty, to ending the COVID-19 pandemic for good. We see the Republicans gearing up for a fight, and we are not backing down.

Can you contribute to Frank so he can help Democrats hold their seats and their majority in these upcoming elections? [[link removed]]

CONTRIBUTE ⇨ [[link removed]]

Thanks, John.

— Mrvan Re-Election Campaign HQ
[link removed] [[link removed]] [link removed] [[link removed]] Democrat Frank J. Mrvan is serving his first term as the representative for Indiana’s 1st Congressional District. A lifelong public servant, he is putting his decades of experience to work for the people of Northwest Indiana, reaching across the aisle to form alliances, secure funding, and pass legislation to protect our jobs, our healthcare, and our economy. With your support, he can continue this important work. DONATE NOW [[link removed]] Email is an important way for us to keep supporters like you informed about critical issues and to build a winning grassroots campaign. But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can request to get only the most important emails here [[link removed]] , or you can unsubscribe: [link removed] .Paid For By Mrvan For Congress
Mrvan For Congress
7895 Broadway, Suite T
Merrillville, IN 46410
United States
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