Did you know? Five facts about Julian Brave NoiseCat, featured speaker at Fresh Energy's 2022 Benefit Breakfast.
Legislative session adjourns leaving work unfinished
Minnesota lawmakers left the Capitol having accomplished no major spending or tax bills, and without ensuring Minnesota receives its full entitlement of federal funds.
Urge your legislators and Governor Walz to set aside partisan differences and ensure that Minnesota receives its full entitlement of funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Fresh Energy is making some important changes to ensure we are prepared for growth and poised to expand equitable, transformative clean energy and climate action. Learn how we're building capacity.
Thursdays in July, Fresh Energy and special guests will explore how energy and climate issues play out across our society—in books and film, colleges, our democracy, and in the very air we breathe. RSVP for our free, four-part webinar series and join us when you can!
What's up with networked geothermal?
What if we told you that there is a way to utilize heat pumps that can achieve up to 600 percent efficiencies? Enter: networked geothermal.
Fresh Energy and partners filed initial comments on Minnesota Power's long-range plan, pushing the utility to both go further in reducing carbon emissions and take into account the health and equity impacts of burning fossil fuel. 
Minnesota Power customers can file a comment using our Action Alert system.
Jason Willett is a long-time Fresh Energy supporter and "Fresh Sustainer" who shares our vision and motivation for a clean energy future. Get to know Jason and what's important to him!
Clean electric trucks, buses, and equipment are hitting the road in Minnesota! Check out what's next in Phase 2 of the Volkswagen settlement funding. 
In April, Fresh Energy connected with electric vehicle boosters in the Mankato area, including a group of motivated clean energy and climate leaders from Gustavus Adolphus College.
What is the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)? How and why was it created? Who has a say in its decision-making processes? And how is Fresh Energy involved? Join Fresh Energy's Mike Schowalter and Bri Kerber to get the scoop.
June 14 | Solarbration
Our friends at Impact Power Solutions are hosting their second annual Solstice Solarbration in Saint Paul! 
July 7 | Energy + Democracy
Join Fresh Energy's Justin Fay and panelists from COPAL and McKnight Foundation for a discussion about how voter engagement intersects with action on climate and justice.
July 14 | Energy + Higher Ed
Join Fresh Energy's Allen Gleckner and panelists from Minnesota State Universities and the Humphrey School for a conversation about how colleges are modeling net-zero innovation and teaching the next generation.
July 21 | Energy + Health
Join Fresh Energy's Margaret Cherne-Hendrick and panelists from MN350 and RMI as we discuss how to center health impacts in our energy decisions.
July 28 | Energy + The Arts
Join Fresh Energy's Anjali Bains with Minnesota musicians and artists for a conversation about how energy and climate are part of the arts today. 
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters who donated to Fresh Energy in February, March, and April. Click here to see the full list.
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