The violence has to stop.


The community of Uvalde, Texas, just experienced the kind of tragedy that too many American communities have already suffered. Mass shootings in our grocery stores and our houses of worship. At concerts and movie theaters.

And, horrifically, in our schools. Where teachers turn themselves into human shields. Where our children are murdered. Where our children should be safe.

We’ve seen this too many times. Over, and over, and over.

What on earth is more important than protecting our children? What on earth is more important than ending the slaughter?

I’m angry, and I know we all are. I’m angry every time this happens. It has to stop.

As Governor, I feel a strong responsibility to do all I can to keep our children safe at school and to prevent these horrible mass shootings. That’s why I took executive action in 2019 to strengthen our background checks. We’ve mandated safety plans and helped schools coordinate with local law enforcement. I’ve vetoed dangerous bills that would have allowed guns in schools.

But that’s not enough. We need stronger laws at every level.

Republican leaders in Congress and in our state legislature need to stop the excuses and work with us to do more.

A strong law requiring universal background checks is now sitting in the U.S. Senate. Pass it and President Biden will sign it. And while they’re at it, they should ban assault weapons. Those guns must be kept out of the hands of private citizens.

Until they do, state legislators should close North Carolina’s permit loophole for these weapons. Pass it and I’ll sign it.

I’ve proposed a red flag law that lets judges take guns away from violent criminals and people who are severely mentally ill. Pass it and I’ll sign it.

I’ve had gun advocates tell me that the problem is not assault weapons, but mental health. Well, there’s a bill right now in the legislature that will provide billions of dollars for mental health through Medicaid expansion. Pass it and I’ll sign it.

We need Republicans in North Carolina and across the country to come to the table and pass these bills. Or we need to choose new leaders.

We cannot forget this tragedy when it fades from the news. We cannot normalize the mass murder of children. We cannot wait any longer. It has to stop.

Thoughts and prayers are not enough.

Governor Roy Cooper