![]() Hi there, Although I’m a medical doctor (an obstetrician, actually, and I delivered over 4,000 babies), a U.S. Air Force veteran and an author with 21 published books, most folks think of me as a politician. It’s true I served sixteen years in Congress representing the great state of Texas. Despite that, I don’t consider myself a “politician.” No, I consider myself a patriot, first and foremost. Today, I’m not speaking to you as a veteran or a Congressman, just as a fellow American citizen. Ronald Reagan once told me that no nation has abandoned gold and remained great. Right now, fifty years after Nixon took our nation off the gold standard, prices are heading toward 1970s-era increases. Like you, I look around and I’m filled with dread. Just like you, I’m frightened of what the future holds for my family. Our Founding Fathers warned us of the hazards of unbacked paper money. For example, Thomas Jefferson said: “I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies…” And... “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” Today, our nation has written over $30 trillion in IOUs. The financial system groans under the weight of more than 20 trillion dollars in circulation. What would Thomas Jefferson say? Now, our government may have abandoned all financial responsibility (and sanity) – but we American citizens simply cannot do the same. We may not be able to save our country, but we can save ourselves. That’s why I want to tell you about Birch Gold Group. Birch Gold is one of the top precious metals companies in America. They provide not only physical precious metals but also gold-backed retirement accounts. I am happy to join them in promoting precious metals as the solution to inflation! And I highly recommend anyone with a retirement account get Birch Gold’s free info kit on gold by going here. Why? Because this guide explains in perfect detail why and how the Fed is destroying our economy at its very foundation… and reveals what normal Americans can do to protect their savings from this never-ending destruction. Warm regards, Dr. Ron Paul To unsubscribe from future messages like
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