Content warning: This email contains descriptions of gun violence. 

Content warning: This email contains descriptions of gun violence.


The horrific events in Uvalde, Texas, sit heavy on my mind. I do not have the words to fully convey the devastation and heartbreak that I know we all feel. I cannot imagine the pain of the parents whose children were murdered.

But one thing is clear: We need gun reform now.

Democrats are ready to pass gun reform laws. We’ve been ready for decades. We need Republicans to step up and start focusing more on the safety of our children than donations or scores from the NRA.

I am a gun owner myself — and I know it’s possible to both protect constitutional rights and pass sensible gun reform and violence reduction laws that secure the safety of our children and communities.

It’s unacceptable that we’ve let more than two decades pass after Columbine and nearly 10 years since Sandy Hook without taking action.

We cannot carry on like this and let yet another tragedy pass by without passing legislation to address this epidemic. This horrific shooting was preventable and we can stop tragedies like this from happening again.

I will keep fighting to pass legislation to finally address the devastation gun violence causes our country. But rest assured that I am also fighting to help expand our Senate majority and ensure we vote out all politicians who care more about the gun lobby’s interests than the health and safety of their constituents.

— Martin



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