Today, your 4x matched gift will literally answer the call of people in need:
The Hotline provides confidential support all day and night, year round. Fully paid professional staff — not volunteers — are on the line with callers. Each of them is a trauma-informed expert with specialized training. This includes ongoing training to respond to shifting trends!
Here’s how you can help now:
Your $35 gift can help provide support for one caller affected by trafficking.
Your $50 gift can help provide the training that keeps Hotline staff expertly responding to every call, 24/7, 365 days a year.
Your $100 gift can help prevent someone from ever needing the Hotline, by working to fix broken systems and build safety nets.
With your help, here are some messages of hope callers will hear:
OK, I’ve found a shelter you can stay at tonight. I’ll let them know you are coming.
Yes, we can use airline miles to book her a ticket home.
We can help you report to law enforcement so you can get the right visa and benefits.
Please answer the call today. You can transform a life, opening a path to freedom and healing.