Did you see Steve Kerr's message, John? We're still keeping close tabs on news coming out of Uvalde, Texas, but this much is clear: We cannot let this happen again.

Brady set an ambitious emergency-response goal of $50,000 so we can get to work immediately and demand life-saving legislation like an assault weapons ban and expanded background checks.

But right now, we're still dangerously behind our goal. Unless we see a surge of grassroots support right now, we will fail to raise enough before the deadline. With so many lives to honor and so many more still to be saved, we cannot accept that.

We cannot let another mass murder happen without Congress taking ANY action, John. So please, will you donate right now to help us demand — and finally, win — real action to end gun violence and save lives?

Thank you,

Liz Dunning
Gun Violence Survivor & VP of Development, Brady

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Kerr
Date: Wed, May 25, 2022
Subject: Please read this whole email. I mean every word and I’m sick of offering only condolences.