We are reeling, John. Heartbreak, anger, despair, outrage. These are just some of the emotions I’ve cycled through in the hours since the news broke that 19 young children and two adults were gunned down at school in Uvalde, Texas yesterday.

I’ve felt heartbreak, anger, despair, and outrage—but not surprise.

This is the country that Congress enabled. By refusing to offer more than thoughts, prayers, and empty platitudes, our federal lawmakers have created a country where children are murdered in their classrooms, where parents, friends, and neighbors are killed at their local grocery store, movie theater, house of worship, or workplace. We didn’t have time to grieve the victims of Buffalo or Laguna Woods before the next tragedy struck.

This reality is a public policy choice. And it’s one we refuse to accept. Contact your Members of Congress today and demand they take action NOW to ban assault weapons like the ones used in Uvalde and Buffalo.

At the federal level, the biggest thing that has changed since Sandy Hook is that we now teach our kids to hide from active shooters. We train them to try to save themselves rather than forcing our elected leaders to do anything about it. That is unconscionable.

Enough is enough. We know what works to prevent tragedies like this. It is time for our elected leaders to protect people, not guns. Demand a federal assault weapons ban.

The cost of inaction is paid in lives lost. We can’t afford to wait.

– Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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