It's a call no parent should ever receive. But I've received it, and countless other parents have as well.

That terrified call from your child whispering on the other end of the phone crouching under her desk in lockdown because a suspected gunman has approached the school.

Thank God in my situation no harm ensued. The same cannot be said for the families of the children and adults murdered yesterday by an armed 18-year old in Texas or the families of the Sandy Hook child-victims, or those of the dozens upon dozens of senseless tragic shootings that make up the epidemic of gun violence in our nation.

Because it is an epidemic.

And we can take action against an epidemic.  Congress MUST pass common sense gun safety laws that a large majority of Americans support, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, or gun-owners or not. These include universal background checks, closing loopholes such as those allowing weapons to be purchased at gun shows without a background check, and an assault weapons ban.

Victims of gun violence don't need more thoughts and prayers. They need action and resolve.











Paid for by Engel for Arizona



Engel for Arizona
PO Box 40721
Tucson, AZ 85717
United States