John, I do not want to have to send this email.

I don’t want to have to spend another second of my time in public service grieving over another senseless act of gun violence, but the massacre at an elementary school in Texas, just a week after a racist and hate fueled mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, and an attack on a church in California demands our attention and our action.

Today we woke up knowing that 19 children and their genius were robbed from us. From their loving parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Two teachers who dedicated their lives to educating our young people, one of the most important jobs in America, were slaughtered. There are those who were injured and those who will forever be scarred by yesterday's horrific shooting. There are families and loved ones who are grieving right now. And this entire nation is hurting alongside them. Again.

This should not just be another normal day in America. We suffered what should be an unimaginable tragedy yesterday, but today millions of Americans, including many of my colleagues in Congress will go about their business as usual, because despite the horror, enduring shooting after shooting after shooting is a common experience for all of us.

At this point, I don't know how the body where I work, the United States Senate, can go along with business as usual without admitting, much less acting on the fact that our country has a gun violence crisis. It is utter insanity that we cannot pass even the most moderate legislation, universal background checks – supported by over 80% of Americans. I don’t know how we can’t pass gun licensing legislation – it’s easier to legally acquire a weapon of war than it is to legally operate a vehicle in our country. Especially when gun violence is now the leading cause of death among young people.

It makes me sick; it makes me outraged; and it makes me question the values of our nation. But one thing I cannot do is sit down and give up.

Because the truth is, we are not powerless to stop the madness that is gun violence. The madness that is taking the lives of Americans. The madness that is causing pain to families across this nation. We are not powerless, even though so many act like we are.

So what can we do? So many of you activists, organizers, and supporters have put your blood, sweat, and tears into this issue, but we must start with asking ourselves what we need to change, where can we do more, what ideas have we not tried yet. For many of us, myself included, our hope is beaten down right now. But we must do the work, put in every effort to bring meaningful change on this issue, and make sure every American knows nothing will change without action. If we do nothing, the next shooting will be a consequence of our inaction.

And if we do that I believe that together we will rise above, and drive this nation to a future free from the fear of being gunned down in a church, in a grocery store, or an elementary school.

I believe, John, do you?
