
Dear Friend,


The evidence of out-of-control corporate power is all around us, with prices on everyday goods skyrocketing as CEOs boost their pay. Here in New York, we are doing something about it. Today, the NY Senate passed the 21st Century Antitrust Act, groundbreaking legislation that will give the Attorney General and everyday New Yorkers the power to hold abusive corporations accountable.


Now that the legislation has passed the Senate, we need the New York Assembly to act. Can you join us in sending a message to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and urge him to bring this legislation up for a vote?


Our century old antitrust laws are not enough to deal with the problems caused by Big Tech and other modern day monopolies. The 21st Century Antitrust Act would make it illegal for corporations who dominate the market to use their power to mistreat workers, small businesses, or consumers.


The legislation for the first time would put workers at the center of antitrust enforcement. As Amazon has grown into the dominant employer in the logistics industry over the past decade, annual wages have fallen by $5,000 for delivery drivers. Warehouse workers are paid $6,000 less than a decade ago. Our legislation would hold companies like Amazon accountable for driving down wages and working conditions across an entire sector of the economy.


To become a reality, the bill needs to pass both houses of the legislature, and be signed by the governor. Please help us take the next step and get this bill through the Assembly. Please send a message to Speaker Heastie today. 


You won’t be surprised to hear that corporate America is sending an army of lobbyists to try to stop these reforms. They know that the 21st Century Antitrust Act is a real threat to their power to raise prices, strong arm small businesses, and exploit workers. To win this fight, we will need all the people-power we can get. 


Please send a message today and help us win this fight against corporate greed.


In solidarity,

Maritza Silva-Farrell

Executive Director