She used her platform to expose the horrific abuse of China's Muslims
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China Shuts Down American Teen on Tik Tok ([link removed]) The 17-year old used her platform to expose the horrific abuse of China's Muslims Watch and Share ([link removed])
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ISIS Kids Back in US; Mom Pleads Guilty to Terror Financing ([link removed]) We can assume they were thoroughly brainwashed Read ([link removed])
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News Analysis
True or False: 'Ilhan Omar is a Qatari Asset' ([link removed]) Here's our take on the latest accusations Read and Share ([link removed])
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News and Video
Muslim Woman Hailed as Hero for Challenging Anti-Semitism ([link removed]) Moving beyond interfaith Watch and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
CAIR’s Support for Violent Jihadi US Criminal Group ([link removed])
“When will America learn?”
- W.H.
NY Times Scrubs Word ‘Terror’ From Coverage of Killing of Islamic Jihad Leader ([link removed])
“So if you subscribe to the NYTimes don’t expect to get 'news,' because you will only get propaganda. ”
- D.J.Y.
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