May 25, 2022  •  Weekly Newsletter
Lawrence J. McQuillan

Home and rental prices in California continue to set new records. The reason? Government restrictions on private property rights that artificially constrain housing supply. The fix is equally simple: a short amendment to California’s constitution allowing property owners to build housing on their land if they meet basic requirements—without being hog-tied by endless delays. Needed legislation attached. READ MORE »
Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)

A cardinal rule in fiscal and monetary policy is that Treasury officials don’t discuss monetary policy and Federal Reserve authorities don’t discuss exchange rates. So whom do we turn to when the currency fails, as it is now failing, to fulfill its basic functions? Congress—and it needs to act. READ MORE »

Raymond J. March and Glenn L. Furton (Fortune)

Who’s to blame for the severe baby-formula shortage? Supply chain issues, the problems at the Abbott facility? Yes—but the biggest malefactor? The FDA and its restrictive regulations on imports from Europe, which is awash in formula. If we ever needed an “emergency use authorization” (EUA) to jump-start those imports, that time is now. READ MORE »
Stephen P. Halbrook (America's First Freedom)

What “arms” are protected by the Second Amendment? Since this is a Constitutional right, the people, not the government, decide—and the arms that are protected are those that citizens keep in their homes and carry on their persons. When the Supreme Court decides New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, will it strengthen or undermine this long-established “common-use” test? READ MORE »
John C. Goodman (Washington Times)

Here’s an idea. Give Americans refundable tax credits to be deposited into personal health saving accounts. We’d get, as a result, health plans tailored to family needs and portable from job to job and in and out of the labor market. Or we could just continue with Obamacare, and enrich the insurance giants with billions in tax-payer subsides for worse care at skyrocketing prices. READ MORE »
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