Join this DC community-wide conversation on the June 18th Rally

Dear John,


We are reaching out to invite you to a DC community-wide conversation about the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington, on June 18th.


We are called to assemble and march in DC. In DC the city where people live, work, and raise families and in the DC that is the center of our Federal Government. 


For far too long our people – poor people, people of color, Indigenous nations, immigrant families, women, children, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ communities – have been under attack, pitted against each other, and blamed for society’s problems. But we are building a movement locally in DC and across the nation that brings people together across race, gender, sexuality, ability, and faith- to turn our pain, fear, and anger into a united force to reconstruct the nation from the bottom up.


On June 18, we will put a face and voice on the shameful conditions confronting DC and this nation. Together, we must challenge the lies of scarcity and the notion that this is the best we can do. 


Join us on June 1st @ 7pm on Zoom to hear from DC community leaders why they’re organizing locally for June 18th and have a conversation on what this moment and movement means for the community.


Zoom Registration:


Forward together, not one step back. 


-DC Poor People's Campaign