Dear Friends,
"The Report", Amazon's new political drama starring Adam Driver and Annette Bening, is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime. "The Report" depicts the brutal and unsuccessful CIA torture program as well as the battle to release the results of the investigation into the program. It is probably the best available review of the failed torture program and the events leading up to the release of the redacted summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee's Torture Report.
Watch "The Report" on Amazon Prime at [link removed]
Also, please consider organizing a congregational screening of "The Report". Many young people don't personally remember the Abu Ghraib photos or even the fact that there was a torture program. There are also still many people who support torture because they think it "kept us safe" or "wasn't that bad." "The Report" shows the fallacies of those arguments and accurately shows the truth about the torture program for those who may be unfamiliar with it.
Resources from NRCAT to help you organize a screening are available at [link removed]
Please help your community learn the truth about CIA torture by organizing a screening of "The Report". You can use our toolkit to plan a screening and contact us at
[email protected] with any questions. Please complete this brief form to let us know if you can organize an event: [link removed]
Matt Hawthorne
Policy Director
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