Friend --

It’s time to elect a new leadership body! In December, DSA Los Angeles will be holding elections for the next Steering Committee and Branch Coordinator terms, which begin in January 2020.

The candidate filing period is officially open -- you can submit your candidacy for a position on the DSA-LA Steering Committee or Branch Coordinator by filling out the form here. But hurry, the filing period closes on Wednesday, December 4th at 11:59 PM! 

The Steering Committee is comprised of a Recording Secretary, Communications Director, Treasurer, and six At-Large Members. As well, the YDSA Coordinator position is up for election.  The three Branches (Central, Valley, and Westside) are comprised of at least two Branch Coordinators for each Branch. You can find the descriptions of each position here.

Please be sure to pay your national dues or request Comrades for Comrades support by Wednesday, December 4th in order to be eligible to run as a Local Officer.

You can find the election timeline below. All that information and more is also available on the blog post.



Friday, November 29th - Candidate filing period opens. You can submit your candidacy for a position on the DSA-LA Steering Committee or Branch Coordinator by filling out the form here.

Wednesday, December 4th at 11:59 p.m. - Candidate filing period closes.

Thursday, December 5th - Candidates list and statements are released to the membership.

Sunday, December 8th - 

  • Save the date for the Candidates Forum (time and location TBD). Please RSVP here in order to receive updates once the time and location has been confirmed. Questions for candidates can be submitted in advance by emailing [email protected].
  • Voting period opens. Ballots go out via email to all members. In order to vote for the DSA-LA Steering Committee, you must be a national dues-paying member.

Sunday, December 15th at 11:59 p.m. - Voting period closes.

Developing new leaders is an important part of building a strong Left in Los Angeles — we encourage you to consider running for one of these important positions!  Please feel free to reach out to the Nominations Committee with any or all questions at [email protected].


In solidarity,

Your DSA-LA Nominations Committee

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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You can also keep up with DSA-LA on Twitter or Facebook.

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