Dear John

Find out how your church could build community and soften the blow of high living costs, by setting up a Local Pantry.

Join us on Zoom to find out more: Wednesday 15 June, 7pm

Everybody should have access to good food. Everybody values community. Your Local Pantries provide both – and more. Across the UK, 60,000 people are finding friendship, food and freedom through Pantry membership.

Pantries are all about dignity, choice and hope. Each one operates as a member-led neighbourhood hub, often serving as a springboard to other community initiatives, opportunities and ideas. As we all strive for a brighter future, Pantries are an immediate big step in the right direction, loosening poverty’s grip and creating the breathing space for communities to pursue ambitious goals.

Over half of the Pantries in the network are run by churches. If your church wants to build community and connection while tackling food poverty, perhaps you could open a Pantry too!

Church Action on Poverty supports the network, which is run as a social franchise. We offer a range of practical support to help you set up and run your Pantry - and you get the benefits of being part of a UK-wide movement.

You'll hear from churches in the network about how and why they set up their Pantries. Our Pantry team will explain how you can get involved and take the first steps towards setting up a Pantry in your own church.

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty

PS Don't forget, we're also launching our exciting new publication Dignity, Agency, Power with an online event on 8 June. If you haven't already booked your place, click here to book now.