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Multi-Community GBVF Services baseline study of SASOL fenceline communities

Duration: 1 June to 31 August 2022

Budget range: R100 000 – R120 000

Project overview

SASOL has embarked on a journey to respond to the challenge of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in South Africa. The aim of SASOL’s response to GBVF is to provide victims and survivors in fence line communities with access to quality care and infrastructure.  To effectively implement SASOL’s response plan it is necessary to conduct a baseline study to understand the occurrence and prevalence of GBVF in fence line communities, the challenges faced, and the services available to victims and survivors. 

Sonke Gender Justice has been contracted to coordinate a baseline study that will inform the rollout of the SASOL response plan in the second phase of a longer-term endeavour to respond effectively to the need for efficient and survivor friendly police and GBVF response services.

Purpose of this Consultancy 

The purpose of this consultancy is to compile detailed evidence about the occurrence and prevalence of GBVF, and the related provision and quality of services available to victims and survivors, in a specific sample of nine fence-line communities in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Free State. This consultancy will inform infrastructure investment priorities to improve victim support and GBVF response services in documented communities, and provide recommendations about the improvement of the quality and condition of victim support services in SASOL fence line communities.

The consultant will act as a research coordinator for a short-term research project that will include: a) desktop research, b) three data collection site visits, and c) an anonymous service quality assessment. The project research team will consist of the consultant as coordinator and two research assistants. Support will be provided by Sonke Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager and team.

The duration of the study is from 1 June to 31 August 2022. The consultant is expected to produce a detailed research plan and methodology. The consultant is expected to present main findings and recommendations in a meeting with Sonke and relevant partners, with a draft report produced by 15 August 2022. A final report will be submitted by 31 August 2022. 

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