This is horrifying! A 12-year old girl, from the Yanomami tribe, was allegedly raped and murdered by illegal miners, deep in the heart of the Amazon. More than 20,000 have invaded Yanomami lands, waging a bloody war against the community and the rainforest. It's a bloodbath. The Brazilian government is ignoring this crisis -- but a million voices from around the world could put the Yanomami plea for help under a global spotlight. Let's stop this massacre.
Dear friends,
A 12-year old girl from the Yanomami Indigenous community was allegedly raped and murdered by illegal miners. A 3-year-old is also missing after being thrown in a river.
20,000 illegal miners have invaded Yanomami lands, leaving a trail of bloodshed and terror. The guardians of the Amazon rainforest are being slaughtered. Rivers are poisoned with mercury from the mines, and the rainforest is being decimated.
Let's stop this massacre!
A thundering global call, backed by millions, could raise the alarm and force leaders to take urgent action. They're about to meet on human rights and the environment at the Summit of the Americas -- let's show up!
The Yanomami can't keep resisting on their own. But we could force this into the global spotlight, right now. Add your name and pass this on, fast:
The Yanomami have lived in the rainforest's embrace for centuries. It is their entire world. But now it's being butchered as illegal miners rush for gold -- and the Yanomami are fighting for their lives.
Brazil's president has championed the miners for years. He's leading a ruthless assault on the rainforest, encouraging loggers, miners, and farmers to ravage one of the most important ecosystems on earth. We can't be silent.
What happens in the Amazon will affect every single one of us. But our voices can make a massive difference. Together we can force this into the global spotlight, creating maximum pressure on powerful leaders to intervene, right now.
The Yanomami can't keep resisting this deadly assault alone. Let's join their fight, millions of us, from every country on the planet. Add your voice, and then tell everyone:
For over a decade, the Avaaz community has worked hand-in-hand with Indigenous communities across the Amazon, fighting against attempts to take away their rights and their lands. And when Covid-19 hit, we helped more than 100 communities shield themselves from the virus, saving countless lives. Now, the Yanomami are calling on us to fight side-by-side, and push governments to act on this emergency before it's too late. Let's do it!
With hope and determination,
Diego, Mike, Luciana, Ana, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team