Ed Markey for Senate

As the wildfires burn, seas rise, and storms devastate every corner of the country, Donald Trump and the Republicans have chosen to do nothing.

Their inaction is reprehensible.

That’s why I’m fighting every day to pass the Green New Deal. We can combat the climate crisis, transform our economy, and launch the greatest jobs program in a generation with the Green New Deal.

But I need your help in this fight. We’re facing our final November deadline, and we’re only 55% of the way to our $30,000 goal.

Will you pitch in $27 or more and help us close the gap on our goal before tomorrow at midnight? We need to show grassroots Democrats are standing up and ready to fight to save our planet.

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Since I introduced the Green New Deal with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, we have sparked a political revolution in this country that is going to take power from Big Oil and fossil fuel interests and put it back in the hands of the people.

The Green New deal is about putting people, not polluters, at the center of our country’s energy policies.

But if we don’t have the resources to stay in this fight, we’ll be allowing the climate deniers to win and we abandon future generations. We can’t let that happen.

That’s why reaching our final November goal is so important. We need to send a clear message that the power of this grassroots movement is stronger than ever. Will you pitch in and stand with me?





Paid for by The Markey Committee

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