Dear Friend of OpenSecrets,

Our spring donor drive ends tonight, and I’m asking you to join OpenSecrets before the deadline by making a donation now.

For nearly 40 years, we've been at the forefront of the money in politics arms race. For every new “inventive” way that the powerful come up with to funnel millions into our politics — soft money, 527s, dark money, super PACs — OpenSecrets has tracked its impact. 

As a result, we have expanded our database beyond campaign finance to cover lobbyists, foreign agents, political ads and much, much more. We’ve kept these resources available for advocacy groups, researchers, policymakers — and you! —  to use in efforts to promote evidence-based change.

But trying to change money’s influence on politics without knowing how it flows is like trying to learn a board game without a rulebook. Unless we understand the current state of play — the dynamics of power revealed by following the money — we will be unable to hold the most egregious abusers of the system accountable. 

And although powerful special interests strive to stay anonymous and tough to track (making our job that much harder), there are many more people like you and I who realize that a vital first step towards accountability is to bring all political money into the public eye.

Make today the day that you’re on the side of transparency; bringing money’s role in politics out into the sunshine and helping OpenSecrets maintain this critical public service.

Yes, I'll Support OpenSecrets →
With gratitude,

Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director

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