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World Resources Institute


3 Ways US Cities Broke Clean Energy Records in 2021 

New data from the Local Government Renewables Action Tracker shows that U.S. cities bought 4,370 megawatts (MW) of clean energy in 2021 — 4% more than the previous record set in 2020. Since 2015, U.S. cities have now purchased more than 18,372 MW of clean power — equivalent to the generating capacity of individual states like Colorado, New Jersey or Minnesota, and enough to power 4 million U.S. households annually. Experts from WRI and RMI reveal these and other clean energy trends. Learn more.

Photo by Mark Hatfield/iStock Photo
Rooftop solar panels in Seattle, WA. U.S. cities collectively purchased more than 4,300 MW of clean energy in 2021, enough to power about 940,000 homes annually. Photo by Mark Hatfield/iStock Photo
Sourced by WRI

Preventing a Looming Food Crisis 

The UN recently warned that the war in Ukraine could help push tens of millions of people into food insecurity. Without intervention, this looming global food crisis could last for years. WRI experts explore solutions that can provide immediate relief while still keeping a sustainable future in sight. Read more

Flickr Rotterdam bike lane

PODCAST: Why Cycling Is Critical for Resilient Cities 

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of cities implemented bike lanes and other incentives to encourage socially distanced travel. The benefits they’ve seen for citizens and the environment are now encouraging many of them to make cycling infrastructure permanent. Nicholas Walton interviews experts from WRI, the European Cyclists’ Federation and more in this edition of the WRI Big Ideas into Action podcast. Listen here

Pixabay Doom Skyline Cityscape

The Bar for Corporate Climate Leadership Has Risen 

Thousands of companies have now set “science-based” emissions-reduction targets, those in line with the level of reductions scientists say are necessary for preventing the worst effects of climate change. Now comes the next phase of corporate climate action, argues WRI’s Center for Sustainable Business Director Kevin Moss: actually spelling out how companies will meet their goals. Read more



State of the Adaptation NDCs
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
9:00 am - 10:00 am EDT

How to Shift Social Norms to Reduce Household Food Waste
Thursday, June 7, 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT

Take Charge: Electric School Bus Infrastructure
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT