
A federal judge just blocked the Biden administration from ending the Title 42 health measure. This is a win. A win for national security, public health, public safety, and public finances.

Title 42 is an effective tool. It has turned away 1.8 million migrants who sought to bypass our legal immigration progress.

The ending of this pandemic health measure would have unleashed a tidal wave of illegal border crossings. The increased surge of migrants would saddle residents of many states with increased costs for health care, law enforcement, education, and other services.
Louisiana District Judge Robert Summerhays agreed with the 24 states that sued the Biden administration that lifting Title 42 would cause “irreparable harm”:

... the Termination Order will result in an increase in daily border crossings and that this increase could be as large as a three-fold increase to 18,000 daily border crossings.” 

States absorbing this surge of migrants will
... increase their costs for healthcare reimbursements and education services. These costs are not recoverable.
People who are concerned about increased demands on public resources, drug smuggling, human trafficking, and dangerous people sneaking into our nation are not “right-wing extremists.” They are the majority.

According to a new POLITICO-Harvard survey, 55% of Americans oppose ending Title 42, compared to 45% who think the order should end.

America welcomes a million immigrants each year–like me–legally. But they don’t support illegal immigration; it undermines our immigration system and weakens our nation

Demand a safe and secure southern border by signing the Safe Borders Petition, today.

In Freedom,
Patrice Onwuka