600,000 more North Carolinians could access the care they need.

Roy Cooper for North Carolina

Did you know? Expanding Medicaid in NC would allow around 600,000 more of our friends, family, and neighbors to access the quality care they need.

SIGN ON: Tell Republicans that it’s time to expand Medicaid in North Carolina! >>>

John —

If we learned anything over more than two years of a global pandemic, it HAS to be that health care access is fundamental. No one should worry about breaking the bank to visit the doctor.

That’s why this is still at the top of our agenda: Roy’s recent budget proposal once again makes expanding Medicaid a priority.

The 600,000 additional North Carolinians who could be able to access health care with Medicaid expansion include working people without insurance, families with children, veterans, and more. They deserve to be covered.

Roy and his Democratic allies have been advocating for Medicaid expansion for years. But at every turn, GOP legislators have blocked their efforts.

John, if you believe that expanding Medicaid is critical to North Carolina, tell Republicans that you SUPPORT including it in the new budget. Sign on here >>>


Roy is counting on you to stand with him in the fight for North Carolinians’ health care access.

Thanks for showing your support,

Team Cooper



Send donations via check to:
Cooper for North Carolina
PO Box 1190
Raleigh, NC 27602
Thank you!