Last month, I was the first member of the Florida House to call for reforms in Florida’s homeowner's insurance marketplace. Today, we finally convene for Special Session in Tallahassee to act on those reforms.


YOU brought this to my attention when literally hundreds of you shared your stories of higher premiums, dropped coverage, and requirements to prematurely replace perfectly good roofs.


What’s happening now is a fight behind the scenes between the people making money off your higher premiums and those of us fighting for real reforms.


I hate to break it to you, but these folks coming to your door with the promise of a free roof courtesy of a hurricane that hit three years ago were… predictably… not helpful. They got paid many times over the actual price of your neighbors’ new roofs, then passed the expense onto YOU via higher premiums.


Guess what, these are the same folks funding my opponent. Now why do you think that is??


I’m not fighting for the rich and powerful fleecing our state, I’m fighting to LOWER your costs and get us back on track. But I need your help, because the same folks who’ve bought every billboard in the state promising free money have A LOT to spend against us.


In case you missed it, check out my 5-part series outlining Florida's crisis of homeowner's insurance where I dive into everything from how we got here, how the effects of climate change threaten to cost you even more, and how bad actors are funding the political opponents of those of us fighting for real reforms.  



The good-ole-boy networks have to go. We beat them once, and we’ll do it again. But, I need your help to do it. Will you join our team?  



Thank you!