Less than two hours till lunch! Plenty of time to quickly jot down a guide for your ballot and head to the polls at lunch.
Want to spice up the lunch hour voting? Take part in the Lunch Rush Voting Challenge!
1. Grab a coworker who hasn't voted yet and text, chat, or email them the 5 Reasons to Vote Josh graphic.
⬇️ Tap/Hold - Right Click - Save Image ⬇️
2. Challenge them to a lunch hour race! Both of you head to your voting location to #VoteJosh and all your primary picks.
Spice it up! Last one back buys coffee tomorrow!
If you coworker voted early, ask them to text TWO people they know who haven't voted yet and ask them to #VoteJoshClark.
3. Share the Lunch Rush Voting Challenge with your friends on social media!
Share the graphic above on your social media accounts! Be sure to tag it with #VoteJoshClark, and ask your Election Day voting friends to give Josh a look as they go to cast their ballots!