Trump's racist attacks against four American Congresswomen reveals once again that he is a threat to the core values and principles of our country.

I remember that historic night on November 4th, 2008, when Barack Obama delivered one of the most profoundly moving political speeches of recent memory. I remember feeling proud of the progress we had made in our beautiful country.

But under the cesspool presidency of Donald Trump, we are sinking to new lows.

Trump’s racist attacks against four American Congresswomen reveals once again that he is a threat to the core values and principles of our country. Instead of working to build a more perfect union, he is working overtime to pit people against one another based on race and ethnicity.

It’s sickening and that’s why it’s so important that we stand together against Trump’s assault on the core values of America. Add your name here if you agree.

True American patriots are those who strive to ensure that America marches toward the goal of equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity. Trump wants to silence those voices and anyone who opposes his efforts to take our country backwards. But history has taught us that we must stand up to bullies—and it's up to each of us.

Join me in standing against the vile approach our President is taking. We must not let him take us down this path
⁠—it’s time to take action.

We must restore decency to our nation’s highest office. We must work 24/7 to end the Trump presidency on November 3, 2020.

Thank you for stepping up at this defining moment!
