Also: NAFCU hosts educational BSA, AML webinars this week
May 24, 2022
Fed releases Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2021 report ([link removed] )
The Federal Reserve Monday released the results of its annual Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making (SHED) survey on household financial well-being. According to the survey, 78 percent of adults were either doing okay or living comfortably financially, the highest share with this level of financial well-being since the Fed began conducting the survey in 2013. Meanwhile, 68 percent of adults said they would cover a $400 emergency expense exclusively using cash or its equivalent, up from 50 percent who would pay this way when the survey began in 2013.
NAFCU webinars on BSA training, AML model validation happening this week ([link removed] )
NAFCU this week will host two educational webinars: one webinar today on anti-money laundering (AML) model validation and one webinar Thursday on Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) training.
The best compliance resource available!
NAFCU's 2022 Credit Union Compliance Roadmap is the must-have, electronic resource for credit union professionals. Download a sneak peek today!
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Glia NT Ad_5.23 ([link removed] )
NAFCU CALENDAR ([link removed] )
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Model Validation ([link removed] )
BSA Training for Your Staff ([link removed] )
CU Research Survey Due ([link removed] )
Topic: Tech and Vendors
How to Detect and Prevent Employee Fraud ([link removed] )
VendorDirectoryAd_Compliance ([link removed] )
Master BSA on your schedule, not ours ([link removed] )
Take the rest of 2022 to gain a solid foundation of core BSA knowledge, entirely from your home or office. View the agenda now for NAFCU’s BSA School On-Demand.
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National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions. 3138 10th St N Arlington, Virginia 22201
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