Hope is what it looks like when you believe in a better future. It’s that light at the end of the dark tunnel that keeps you going.
These days, it can often be hard to find that light, but you have to keep looking for signs that point towards a better future.
Tomorrow, Texans in District 28 have a chance to reject corporate-funded, status quo, complacency by voting for Jessica Cisneros—and, starting this weekend, Nevadans in NV-01 have the same opportunity with Amy. But it takes a movement to win.
That’s why we’re standing in solidarity with Team Cisneros today!
We cannot afford to let corporate interests take away our hope. In the face of an escalating climate crisis, record levels of wealth inequality, and a status quo that’s working against us every step of the way, we know that the journey ahead feels tough. The corporate establishment is going to continue wasting millions of dollars against us because they’re terrified of what will happen when we come together.
This is a moment that calls for perseverance and leadership.
That’s what people in Texas’s 28th District are going to be voting for tomorrow and what communities across Nevada’s First will be choosing in June.
Amy Vilela is running for Congress in Las Vegas to represent the people of Nevada's First District because we deserve more! For too long, our status quo leadership has been complacent, but working people need a champion—someone who understands the struggle and who will take that lived experience with them to Congress to fight for us. Amy knows the struggle firsthand, she has that lived experience, she's ready to fight, and she will be that champion!
One of the biggest challenges corporate-free grassroots campaigns like ours face is not knowing when the funds will come in. One of the best ways our supporters can help us overcome that uncertainty as we work to Get Out the Vote is by becoming a weekly recurring donor.