John, Joe Biden's “plan" for curbing inflation is to "raise taxes on the rich."
That's right.
His solution to the worst inflation in 40 years that he created by massive overspending is to blame everyone else, including wealthy Americans.
Joe Biden wants us to believe that he's going after billionaires like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos ...
… but you and I both know that's never how it goes.
Every taxpayer will be next on the list of people that Biden will blame for rising inflation.
He will work with tax-and-spend Democrats in Congress to squeeze every last penny out of Americans like you.
But they'll never come right out and say it.
So instead, they do the same tired song and dance, promising to make the rich pay their "fair share" when their true intent is to rob you and your family blind.
The truth is, Joe Biden has already raised your taxes.
Inflation is a tax on everyone – and it hits the middle and working classes the hardest.
If Joe Biden manages to raise taxes even more, it won’t help you or your family.
It won’t do anything to bring down the prices of groceries or gas.
All it will do is give politicians more of YOUR money to waste on progressive pet projects.
And we can’t let that happen.
That’s why your continued support of Citizens Against Government Waste is so critically important to stop Biden from destroying the economy more than he already has.
Tom Schatz