Hi John,

Take a little trip with me: It's election night, 2020. Tensions are high, as we're all nervously awaiting the election results. The polls are in our favor, but nobody knows what could happen.

Four more years of Trump's chaos, cruelty, racism, and incompetence? Or will we change course, will democracy prevail, and set a course to get our country back on track? We're all biting our nails as Steve Kornaki comes back with breaking news and a somber tone, "well, folks. The math just isn't there, it looks like Trump and the GOP gets another 4 years."

And it's worse than we expected. Tucker Carlson becomes Chief of Staff, Dr. Oz is Chief Medical Advisor, Kevin McCarthy is Speaker of the House.

If we thought the first four years were bad, the preceding two are unimaginable. COVID-19 runs rampant, without any coherent mask or vaccine policy, millions more people die.

Within one year, SCOTUS overturns Roe and a national abortion ban is passed, co-sponsored by Mike Garcia. States scramble to find loopholes, but nobody was prepared for this radical agenda.

And that’s only the beginning. Key protections for the environment, women, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, all roll back one by one. EPA? Gone. Public lands? National Parks are opened up for drilling and fracking. Obergefell? Overturned. The Muslim ban is reinstated. Cruelty at the border knows no end, as families and children are ripped apart.

And Trump-appointed judges uphold every one of these cruel policies.

Republicans are finally successful at overturning the Affordable Care Act. Millions of people with pre-existing conditions are thrown off their health insurance, even COVID-19 becomes a pre-existing condition.

Luckily that’s not our reality. In 2020 we fought hard, we mobilized, we protested, we organized, we voted, and we donated to make sure this dark future did not come to pass. I hate to use these scare tactics, John, but we need to remember what's on the line.

We MUST do it again. If the recent leaked Roe SCOTUS opinion, GOP efforts to undermine elections, and Republican alliances with white-nationalism and conspiracy theorists have taught us anything, it's that right-wing extremism knows no bounds.

Mike Garcia voted against certifying an election. If he's in the majority, there's no guarantee he wouldn't do it again in 2020. We cannot risk it. We lost our last election against Mike Garcia by 333 votes, we’re not going to let that happen again.

Our future is on the line and I can’t flip this seat alone. Chip in $5 or more ahead of our June 7th primary so we can show Mike Garcia – and the entire GOP – we're not allowing their hateful, extreme policies to ever see the light of day again. >>>

I know we can prevent this dark future, but we must come together to stop it.

