Coming up on June 8-9!

Dear John,

Tired of the division in our country, communities, and even our families? You can do something about it.

At the Renew America Movement, our mission is to build a nationwide common-sense coalition of Americans that's based on principle, not party. We won't always see eye-to-eye on policy, but we all agree that America is at its best when our democracy functions as it should.

At its most basic level, democracy requires civil debate and the willingness to entertain viewpoints that differ from our own. We're losing that ability, and our democracy is suffering as a result. The reasons for this are many, but the way back is as simple as having a conversation. So let's talk...

Join the Renew America Movement’s Unify Challenge for a live one-on-one online conversation (like Zoom) with another person who may have a different outlook on things. It’s not a debate. It’s an invitation to have a productive, open conversation with a fellow American to find common ground and talk about issues our country faces.

WHEN: You’ll have two options, all virtual.

  • Wednesday, June 8, at 8pm ET (5pm PT)
  • Thursday, June 9, at 1pm ET (10am PT)

WHO: If you’re over 18 and live in!

You may be thinking… “A video conversation with a complete stranger? What will we talk about?” Don’t worry. We make it super easy. You’ll talk through questions provided in a conversation guide about issues that matter most in America from public safety and education to taxes and healthcare.

Political division stops things from getting done. The Unify Challenge cuts through the divisive noise to bring people together around our common humanity and goals for the future. We’re strengthening our democracy one conversation at a time. And we’re setting an example for the rest of the country.

Learn more and schedule your conversation at!

Renew America Movement


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