

We just looked over the list of this year’s supporters, and your name is missing!

Supporter: John
Supporter ID: 17879
2022 Contribution Status: MISSING

We can’t stress just how important November’s elections are for our nation, and your support is the key to victory.

We depend on grassroots support to pay for our door-to-door operations, neighborhood events, and to help our volunteers expand outreach, all of which are crucial elements for our campaign to be successful. 
We’ve all seen the chaos Biden’s arsonist administration has caused; everything he has touched has burned to the ground. John, it’s up to us to get a handle on the gas crisis, baby formula shortage, and high prices caused by Biden-flation.

We can’t do it without your support, and we need it now more than ever! As we keep up the fight for America, can we count on you to pitch in and make your 2022 contribution?
For a Republican House, 
Finance at Team BVD