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MSPs have condemned "unacceptable" attacks on Catholic schools and rejected claims that faith-based education could fuel sectarianism during a debate at
A nine-day-old boy has had the tip of his penis cut off during a circumcision in Canada. The boy's mother, who is of African descent, said circumcision is
part of her family's culture.
The last state all-girls school in Scotland is to admit boys for the first time in 2021. The Muslim Council of Scotland was among those who objected to the
proposal earlier this week.
Plans to ban so-called conversion therapy in the US state of Utah have won backing from the Mormon church, meaning the state is on its way to outlawing the
Students in the northern Indian city of Varanasi are up in arms over a Muslim professor hired to teach Sanskrit. They say that a person of Islamic faith
cannot teach a language often associated with ancient Hinduism.
Megan Manson studies the main UK-wide parties' election manifestos – and says religion will continue to be a dividing force in UK politics during the next
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