Here at Vote Forward, we believe that our democracy is stronger when everyone participates. This is why we work hard to make letter writing accessible for as many volunteers as we can, and why our work is focused on encouraging more people to vote.
We want anyone who volunteers their time writing letters to voters to be able to, without financial barriers getting in the way. As part of our work to make letter writing more accessible, we’ve taken steps over the past few years to make supplies available to letter writers who otherwise can't afford them.
We started with the introduction of our stamp grant program, which extends once-per-year postage assistance to volunteers in need and unlimited stamps to college students. And last year, we launched our letter kits program, offering a limited number of kits with all the supplies needed to send 20 letters.
In 2021, Vote Forward’s letter kit pilot program helped 1,000 volunteers overcome practical and financial barriers to participation and send 20,000 letters. We hope to bring this program back this year—and offer even more kits!
If you have the letter writing supplies you need and would like to help make letter writing more accessible for others this year, you can do so by making a contribution to Vote Forward's letter kits fund: