Nuclear Power: Insecure, Unsafe, Unsustainable - a CND webinar 
Recent news reports have highlighted an uncomfortable truth for the UK government - that's its energy strategy which relies heavily on building nuclear power plants will add even more money to customer's rising bills.

These developments and more will be covered in the third and final installment in a series of webinars on nuclear power organised by CND's Trade Union Advisory Group. In Nuclear Power: Insecure, Unsafe, Unsustainable, our expert panel will discuss the impact of nuclear power on the environment, health and security. It will explore how nuclear energy damages lives, communities and the environment, while also exploring the links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons.

With guest speakers Dr Ian Fairlie, a leading consultant on radioactivity in the environment. and CND Vice-President and Scientific Advisor; and Lorraine Rekmans, member of the Serpent River First Nation and president of the Green Party of Canada. Chaired by Sam Mason, PCS union.

Missed the previous webinars on nuclear power? You can find them on CND's YouTube channel here and here
RAF Lakenheath: 300 gather to say no US nukes in Britain!”
A big thank you to everyone who came from across Britain and beyond to Saturday's demonstration at RAF Lakenheath. This was the first stage in our campaign to stop US nuclear weapons coming back to Britain. With 300 people in attendance and a powerful line up of speakers, we sent a clear message to government: we got rid of these weapons in 2008, and if they come back we will get rid of them again.
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