They came for me, because they didn't like what I said. I was ringing the bells of the Swamp I guess.
They came for Sandy Smith and Madison Cawthorn, my endorsed candidates for Congress in North Carolina. Most vicious and untrue personal attacks. The Swamp tore down Cawthorn while Sandy beat them.
They come for anyone who poses a threat to the Swamp. This is how the Establishment does business- they lie and they tear you down in vicious personal ways.
I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I am standing up for our freedoms every day against a Swamp that is trying to take your freedom away. The patriots of America may take hits from the Swampers, but we can't stop now. We have a country to save!
The latest Deep State target? Entrepreneur Elon Musk!
Basically, Elon is buying Twitter and voting Republican, both things very recent. So now all of a sudden the Deep State is coming for him!
Elon Musk has denied a sexual harassment allegation made by a former flight attendant and challenged those making the accusations to describe a unique feature on his body "not known by the public" to stand up the claims.
The SpaceX CEO dismissed the allegation, first reported by Insider, as a "politically motivated hit piece."
Musk has denied the claims in a series of tweets, suggesting the "attacks" against him should be "viewed through a political lens."
The billionaire, who is attempting to take over Twitter, also replied "exactly" in response to a tweet by Tara Bull, CEO of Cucumber Capital, who asked why the "wild accusations" against Musk didn't emerge "before he took a stand against the establishment."
Musk added the accusations are "utterly untrue" before offering a "challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me 'exposed.'"
"Describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, ...) that isn't known by the public. She won't be able to do so, because it never happened," Musk added.
This same tactic has been used against anyone who dares to expose or challenge the Deep State. That's why we must stand by those patriots fighting for America.
Free speech is only free if people can say things you don't like. Otherwise, it's NOT free.
Cancel culture takes away our freedom of speech, of religion, of protest, of press. It means if we say something the Establishment doesn't like, they make untrue allegations.
Just like they did against me, Sandy, Madison, and now Elon.
Time to stand with patriots. If the Deep State and Soros media are attacking someone, that person is probably worth supporting.
Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.