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Subject URGENT CALLS to stop VAX MANDATES | Jackson Lahmeyer at OCPAC | Biden's Ministry of Truth Backs Down
Date May 23, 2022 1:30 PM
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URGENT CALLS to stop VAX MANDATES | Jackson Lahmeyer at OCPAC | Biden's Ministry of Truth Backs Down Published Monday, May 23 2022 This Wednesday at NOON Central Oklahoma Home Builders JACKSON LAHMEYER WEDNESDAY LUNCH Central Oklahoma Home Builders Message from Jackson Lahmeyer ... "We are in a culture war for the identity of America. Our faith, family, and freedoms are under attack. The radical left wants to separate us by race, gender, religion, and class so we feel divided and powerless, as they undermine our 1st and 2nd Amendments and attack our traditional values. These radicals have no intention of consensus; their goal is to divide and conquer. And our response must be to stand firmly united behind our faith, family, and freedoms. ​ If we do not fight back, we will lose our great country. The radical left relies on weak Republicans who consistently cave under enough pressure. Make no mistake, we are losing our individual rights and national identity because Republicans in power lack the courage to stop them. Yet, come election time, you can always count on these same Republicans to campaign as conservatives. I'm honored to have the support of true patriots like General Flynn." Come Wednesday to hear from candidate for U.S. Senate JACKSON LAHMEYER FIND OUT MORE Find the Jackson Lahmeyer campaign here _____________ ALSO AT OCPAC JAKE MERRICK Senate Candidate OKLAHOMA CAN LEAD THE WAY! Oklahoma is a beacon of hope in our nation. Yet, I believe we can do better. We can ALWAYS do better. Here's where I believe we need to focus: Election integrity. We ABSOLUTELY MUST have free, fair and RELIABLE elections. Without them, we strip our Republic of it's most essential quality: the voice of the people. FAMILY We must preserve the pattern God created for the family. A father and mother together providing instruction, wisdom, love, and basic needs to their children. As a country we are neglecting our foundations, and we are watching them crumble. There is not a more critical foundation than the family. Find Jake Merrick here ____________ 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 SEE YOU AT THE WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON! _____________________ MEETING LOCATION Central Oklahoma Home Builders 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 WEDNESDAY LUNCH Doors open 11:00 AM Lunch 11:30 AM Meeting NOON to 1:15 PM Entry: $5 Lunch and entrance: $15 FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students 21-years old and under. _______________ OCPAC SOCIAL MEDIA OCPAC LINKS OCPAC Twitter OCPAC Instagram OCPAC Facebook Page OCPAC Facebook Group Table of Contents BOB LINN America's Destiny is in America's Classroom RYAN WALTERS Right the Ship in Oklahoma's Classrooms SENATOR SHANE JETT Urgent Calls Needed ______  RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Renew Today  OCPAC WAR CHEST Keep us Growing for the Future Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 Sign up here. ‌ BOB LINN America's Destiny is in America's Classroom When Joe Biden’s "Ministry of Truth" was placed on hold last week, its executive director (& political activist) Nina Jankowicz, blamed right-wing attacks. Actually, the critics have come from the political left as well. Jack Shafer of Politico said of the proposed department: Who among us thinks the government should add to its work list the job of determining what is true and what is disinformation? And who thinks the government is capable of telling the truth? Shafer goes on to say: Our government produces lies and disinformation at industrial scale and always has. Making the federal government the official custodian of truth would be like Brink’s giving a safe-cracker a job driving an armored car. That the department has been placed on hold is inconsequential both for the American people and for the leftist enemies who occupy Washington, because the battle for truth in America continues to rage in the classrooms of America. It has been almost forty years since Neil Postman published Amusing Ourselves to Death. It is a commentary on life in America using as a starting point the works of the two most prominent (and profound) prophetic voices of the twentieth century: George Orwell (1984) and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World). He closes the book with this final paragraph: “What I suggest here as a solution is what Aldous Huxley suggested as well. And I can do no better than he. He believed with H. G. Wells that we are in a race between education and disaster, and he wrote continuously about the necessity of our understanding the politics and epistemology of the media. For in the end, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted the people in the Brave New World was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking.” It was almost a century ago that many of the world’s leading philosophers gathered in a group called The Vienna Circle. They were seeking to solve some fundamental philosophical problems. Epistemology, the fundamental issue of all mankind, was on the list. Epistemology seeks for the foundations of knowledge and to locate the roots of truth Noted philosopher and participant in the group, A.J. Ayer said, “It will be seen that the Vienna Circle did not accomplish all that they had once hoped. Many of the philosophical problems which they had hoped to settle still remain unsolved.” Dr. Greg Bahnsen added, “Ayer might better have said that they have solved no problem.” Dr. Bahnsen was one of the world’s leading Christian apologists who also pointed out that, “When man had not sinned, he was naturally anxious constantly to seek contact with the supernatural positive revelation of God.” The sin of our first parents was to doubt the veracity of the Word of God. That is what gave us the Vienna Circle which has confirmed, if anything, that only those whose ultimate presupposition is that the Bible is the Word of God have any sort of epistemological grounding whatsoever. The minds of America’s future are being destroyed by a combination of education that is either poor or warped. It is being forced-fed to America’s cultural future by the mandated use of the American taxpayer’s dollar for government-run institutions and government-approved curriculum. It remains our first order of priority lest we face phase two of the Ministry of Truth from those seated in the place of power in Washington, D.C. As you read this, Jane and I will be just settling back into Oklahoma after a week in Colorado. An incredibly gorgeous state we think will be soon going red again. We urge you to call your legislators to ask for action regarding the legislation restricting vaccine mandates explained in Shane Jett’s legislation below. As always, I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday at OCPAC. We are in desperate need of returning to our foundations. Thank you for your activism. I'll see you Wednesday! RIGHT THE SHIP IN OKLAHOMA'S CLASSROOM Help the Ryan Walters Campaign for State Superintendent I'll see you this Wednesday's luncheon! 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 God bless! CALL OF THE WEEK VACCINE MANDATES HB 2335 Immediate Release May 17, 2022 Jett encourages Oklahomans to voice support of bill prohibiting vaccine mandates and passports AMEND HOUSE BILL 2335 OKLAHOMA CITY – With just days left in the legislative session, Sen. Shane Jett has amended House Bill 2335 to restrict state agencies from imposing vaccine mandates and requiring vaccine passports. CALL YOUR SENATOR TODAY The Shawnee Republican is encouraging Oklahomans to call their local senators and share their support of the legislation and ask that it be approved immediately. Jett’s changes would prohibit any state agency from using any rule, order, or other means to impose a vaccination requirement on the general public or any current or prospective state agency employee. It would apply without exception to any vaccine authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), any vaccine that has received accelerated approval from the FDA, and any vaccine that has been approved for less than five years. Exemptions would be provided for certain entities if the vaccine has been approved by the FDA for five years or more, including child care facilities, state agencies, any public charter, private or parochial school, the governing body of a public charter, private or parochial school, a school district, a school district board of education, institutions with the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, and any technology center school. The measure would also shield these entities from any damages arising from a person being diagnosed with a communicable disease. THE CLOCK IS WINDING DOWN LET HB 2335 BE HEARD “With the clock winding down on our ability to protect Oklahomans this session from unconstitutional vaccine mandates and vaccine passport requirements, it’s imperative that citizens reach out to their local Senators and ask them to let House Bill 2335 be heard immediately and approve it,” Jett said. “My floor amendment must be approved in both the Senate and the House in order to get to the governor’s desk before session adjourns next week. Time is of the essence and Oklahomans need to speak up if they want to protect their rights against government-imposed vaccines and vaccine passports.” Additionally, HB 2335 would not preclude a state agency or entity subject to the regulation of a state or federal agency from adhering to any federal requirement. It would require accommodation of medical, religious, and philosophical exemptions if applicable. Finally, the bill would require reporting of information on vaccine requirements and exemptions. Rep. Jay Steagall, R-Yukon, is the principal House author of the measure that must be considered and approved by the full Senate and House before it can move on to the governor’s desk. -END- For more information, contact: Sen. Jett: (405) 521-5539 ‌ TIME TO RENEW OCPAC MEMBERSHIPS If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew. Not already a member? Join the fight! Sign up here! Renew your membership here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 ‌ Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. KEEP US GROWING FOR THE FUTURE 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. 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