In Ecuador's Amazon, youth take up the fight against oil pollution

Young activists in the oil town of Lago Agrio are demanding government action to remove gas flares in the rainforest following a landmark court ruling

Millions at risk as India's severe heatwave exposes cooling gaps

As India and Pakistan struggled to cope with soaring temperatures this month, experts warn lack of access to cooling tech like AC, fridges and fans will cost lives and livelihoods

COVID-hit China urged to move U.N. summit to save global nature deal

About 195 countries were set to finalise an accord to safeguard plants, animals and ecosystems at the U.N. talks, known as COP15, which had been due to start late last month in the Chinese city of Kunming

Indonesia summons Britain's envoy after furore over rainbow flag

As activists report that the country is becoming less tolerant of its LGBT community, Indonesia summons Britain's ambassador over displaying the rainbow flag at its embassy

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