In the last few weeks, I attended three events that helped shape my thinking on this race in Maryland’s First District. First, I was with 200 people - mainly farmers, working families, and many Trump supporters - at the fire hall in Jarrettsville. The other Democrats failed to show up. I know I connected with an important percentage of those in attendance - even though most were predisposed against the Democrats. I spoke about growing up on a small farm, in a small town close to Jarrettsville. I spoke about my rural values, caring for the neighbors, and keeping my word. Like every single person there, I went to public school - but I also had the advantage of a public school education which allowed me to compete in the global economy. We spoke about jobs, businesses, and incubating entrepreneurial talent in our rural communities.

Hey there Team,

In the last few weeks, I attended three events that helped shape my thinking on this race in Maryland’s First District. First, I was with 200 people - mainly farmers, working families, and many Trump supporters - at the fire hall in Jarrettsville. The other Democrats failed to show up. I know I connected with an important percentage of those in attendance - even though most were predisposed against the Democrats. I spoke about growing up on a small farm, in a small town close to Jarrettsville. I spoke about my rural values, caring for the neighbors, and keeping my word. Like every single person there, I went to public school - but I also had the advantage of a public school education which allowed me to compete in the global economy. We spoke about jobs, businesses, and incubating entrepreneurial talent in our rural communities.

Last weekend I attended the 130th Annual Banquet of the Singerly Fire Department in Elkton, right on the Maryland/Delaware border. Elkton has been devastated economically. The opioid crisis is out of control as Elkton sits on the 95 corridor between NY and DC. There were 300 folks at the dinner - it reminded me so much of spending time with my grandparents. These folks care deeply about their mission as first responders, they also deeply value faith, family, and community. Local government is staunchly Republican, again I was the only Democratic candidate running for any office there. In the room of 300, there were faithful Democratic voters at the event. I was there, mainly listening.

This week, five chambers of commerce on the Eastern Shore met at Chesapeake Community College in Queen Anne's County; they held their first mixer in two years. These small businesses, local leaders, entrepreneurs have built resilience in the local economy. Some of them tolerate Andy Harris, none of them think he has a vision for the future. A local political leader told me that she had seen me at so many events on the Eastern Shore - by far more than any other candidate on either side of the aisle. These chambers are a natural base of support for a centrist.

We are down to the final two months in the primary. The folks in Jarrettsville, Elkton, and at Chesapeake Community college will determine who sits in Congress in 2023 - and they will never vote for a far left career politician over Harris.

Yet, Andy Harris is uniquely vulnerable. In a sense, I grew up in Jarrettsville, Elkton, and Queen Anne's. I went to school with the firefighters, famers, and the small business owners in our rural communities. As the Republican County Commissioner said last week - you have the support of the watermen - "they haven't endorsed a Democrat since forever". These folks including the County Commissioner are going to vote for me in November. I just have to win the July primary.

None of us want to wake up on November 9th with Donald Trump announcing his run for president in 2024 after a landslide Republican victory in the House. If Andy Harris wins in November, we will have signaled that the January 6th insurrection wasn't a big deal, that Donald Trump doesn't need to be held accountable, and that his most staunch supporters in Congress were vindicated.

Much is at stake for our democracy.

Thank you,



Dave Harden is a Democrat running for Maryland's 1st Congressional District. Dave's running to replace Andy Harris and will help the 1st District unlock its extraordinary potential. Support Dave with a donation today.

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Harden for Congress
PO Box 491
Stevensville, MD 21666
United States