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"The border is for all intents and purposes open, and everyone is taking full advantage."

Newsweek's Mark Theis op-ed "Ending Workplace Immigration Enforcement, Biden Incentivizes Slavery and Abuse," paints a fairly concerning picture of an administration that continues to turn a blind eye to the hiring of illegal workers while ending ICE workplace raids:

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas presented the end of ICE workplace raids as compassionate. He's wrong: It's not. It will only incentivize more illegal immigration and lead to more human suffering, as unscrupulous employers realize they can abuse undocumented workers with virtual impunity.

...Moreover, by effectively ignoring illegal hiring, the government is complicit in driving down wages for blue-collar Americans. The presence of undocumented workers in the labor force suppresses the average American's wages by 5 percent, and less-skilled workers by as much as 12 percent.

Black Americans, in particular, suffer. One study showed that mass migration could be responsible for around 60 percent of the Black-white wage gap. Honest employers also lose out because they can't compete with the artificially low wages and inflated margins of their exploitive rivals."

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