Hi John,

I’ve got some bad news for you: the Tories are ahead in the polls.

That means that there’s a very real risk that Boris Johnson will have the majority he needs on December 13th to push through his dodgy Brexit deal.

Here’s the good news: we can beat him. But we have to be strategic.

That’s why we’ve launched our tactical voting website, so that voters can find out how to effectively use their voice to elect a pro-People’s Vote parliament.

Find your recommendation and our recommended People's Vote candidates across the UK: 


Recent research has shown that if just 30% of anti-Brexit voters vote tactically this election, we can defeat Boris Johnson.

But we need your help to make sure that our message spreads to every single constituency in the UK

Can you share your recommendation with friends to get the word out about tactical voting?



In 2016, Boris Johnson told us to take back control. Now, more than three years later, he says Get Brexit done. But it’s clear that his disastrous Brexit deal would only lead to more chaos and uncertainty.

We deserve better.

John, the fightback starts now.

Let’s make sure that on December 12th, Boris Johnson hears our voices loud and clear.

Together, we can win this.

Thank you,

Simon Jones

Head of Political Liaison

People's Vote Supporter 

P.S. Forward this email to your friends and family to spread the word about tactical voting.

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Promoted by Stuart Hand on behalf of the People’s Vote campaign (Open Britain Ltd), Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, London, England, SW1P 4QP.