
It’s been eight days since the deadly supermarket shootings in Buffalo. My heart breaks for the 10 individuals who were ruthlessly taken away from their families, friends, and communities, and for the terror inflicted upon Buffalo’s Black community. Once again, despicable acts of racist, anti-Black violence have left yet another community devastated.

We must unequivocally condemn racism and the conspiracies that fuel these attacks — like the white supremacist-inspired “replacement theory” that right-wing extremists like Tucker Carlson and even some members of Congress have amplified and attempted to legitimize.

We need to get military-style assault weapons off the streets, expand background checks on the sale of all firearms, and strengthen laws to ensure that guns don’t get into the wrong hands.

No more waiting for the right time to act. Too many communities have suffered from gun violence. Too many American families’ lives have been shattered.

But despite our best efforts, Republicans will use the filibuster to stop any gun reform legislation from passing. We must stand strong against racism and white supremacy, abolish the filibuster, pass common-sense laws, and fight to end the epidemic of gun violence.

Enough is enough. Add your name here and join me in demanding that the Senate end the filibuster now so we can make progress, reduce gun violence, and help create safer communities for us all.

People should feel safe at home, at school, and in their neighborhoods. It’s time for Congress to take action to make that happen.

Thank you for raising your voice,
