As Anthony said, I’m the campaign manager, if you have any questions or want to get involved more, please reach out. In the meantime, please take a...


Thanks Anthony - to bcc. 

As Anthony said, I’m the campaign manager, if you have any questions or want to get involved more, please reach out. 

In the meantime, please take a minute to: 

  1. Like Anthony’s Facebook page: Link 
  2. Follow Anthony on Twitter: Link 
  3. Send this link to three friends and ask them to join our effort, as well: LINK 


-----Begin Forwaded Message-----

From: [email protected]
Subject: Intro


Friend - 

Thanks again for joining the team. I’m emailing to introduce you to Tim, my campaign manager. He is cc’d on this email. 

One of his many duties is keeping the trains running on time. Think of him as our quarterback.

He’ll be reaching out from time to time, so I wanted to make sure you had the proper introduction. 

Talk soon,





Paid for by Anthony Gonzalez for Congress

This email was sent to [email protected]. It’s great to have you on my team, Friend! This is your campaign, so I want to hear from you. On this team, you call the plays. So tell me, what are you fighting for? [LINK] I’m fighting for my home, for the people of Northeast Ohio who are being left behind by a lagging economy and subpar education. Simply put, we’re stuck. Our politicians are more divided than ever. Watching them try to legislate is worse than listening to an out-of-towner try to pronounce “Cuyahoga.” If you agree with me, I’m asking you to help us put this one in the end zone. The first step is following our campaign on Twitter [LINK] and liking us on Facebook [LINK]. Looking to do more? You can sign up to volunteer with my campaign here. But like I said, you call the plays, so I want to know what you think. Are my emails not making the cut? If you want to pull back, I understand, but don’t retire your jersey! You can choose which emails you receive by clicking here [LINK], and you can unsubscribe here [LINK]. Just remember, contributions to Gonzalez for Congress are not tax deductible. And oh wait! One more thing.... OH! [Link to a sign up page where the button says IO!] You know what to do... #GoBuckeyes